Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Share Something You've Made!

Hello crafters and happy Wednesday!

Today I'd like to do something a little different. Instead of me showing you something I've made, I want you to show me something you've made! It can be anything, a drawing, a papercraft, a sculpture, anything! :) So, please show me some of your arts and crafts! I'm waiting.... ;)

May your day be crafty,
Taylor Spades ♠


  1. Taylor, I think the posts would really benefit from embedded photos instead of links. They can be cumbersome. And we read more in pictures on the internet than words to begin with!

  2. I made a vocab book for my geometry class. I know that may not be of any importance but still! It was actually cool looking.

  3. i agree with the picture embedding comment - I love reading crafty blogs and would love to see what you are describing as I read it.

  4. @Andrea I'd love to see it! :) Do you still have it?

  5. @Mrs. Barnard and @AllieBee I fixed it so all my posts have the pictures on them. :) Hope you like it better now! :D

  6. thanks for coming to my blog
    you can see i make things alllll the time !

  7. Yeah, it's in my teacher's classroom. It's okay. It isn't exactly the best. I'm not good at this stuff.
