Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crafts Fails? Do You Have Any? :)

What's up crafters?

Well, today I'm back in school and I'm feeling the break time blues! Don't know what the break time blues are? Let me explain, I love having school breaks and when we finally come back to school I get a little bummed out. I get the break time blues! :( So, crafters today I need a little pick me up! Would all you crafters please tell me about ANY craft fails you've had? If I get some comments with some awesome craft fails I will tell you all about my craft fails! (Believe me, I've had plenty! ;) ) Anyway, please leave a comment below and tell me all about your craft fails! You know you want to! ;)

May your day be crafty,
Taylor Spades ♠


  1. I recently tried to take a lesson from the ever crafty Martha Stewart and make a pair of mittens out of an old sweater. Of course, I had to make it complicated in numerous ways. First being that I wanted to make hobo gloves (no fingers and a fold over mitten), and second, I picked a sweater with a really loose weave on the back. Nevertheless, everytime I went to sew them together, the pieces were too small for my fingers and they had holes because all of the string didn't get picked up by the machine. I had to throw them and the rest of the sweather away! Good thing it was only a $4 sweater from Goodwill :)
