Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Huge Indian Project! - A Picture Heavy Post!

Hey! What's up crafters!

Well, before I start today's post I would like to apologize for the last of posts this week. I've been sick for about two weeks now and I've really been down in the dumps. So, once again I'm sorry for the lack of posts this week.

Now, on to the post! :) Today I'm going to show you an awesome project that I helped make. It's my brother's fifth grade American Indian project. He was assigned the subarctic Indians so the diorama had to be covered in snow. There are real trees, real moss, clay, fake snow, fabric, twigs, and paint. If I do say so myself it turned out fabulous, but I'll let you see the pictures and decide for yourself how fabulous it is! ;) Alright, on to the pictures! (There will also be a short video showing the project from 360 degrees.)

May your day be crafty,
Taylor Spades ♠

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